Sunday Personal Accident insurance

Let’s find the coverage you need.
This insurance covers self-protection against unexpected risks that can occur anywhere and anytime. We offer you protection from a wide range of risks, such as accident protection, COVID protection, medical expenses, and funeral coverage. By providing you these protection, you’ll have peace of mind. Lastly, we also provide accident coverage for groups.

Sunday Personal Accident insurance

Let’s find the coverage you need.
This insurance covers self-protection against unexpected risks that can occur anywhere and anytime. We offer you protection from a wide range of risks, such as accident protection, COVID protection, medical expenses, and funeral coverage. By providing you these protection, you’ll have peace of mind. Lastly, we also provide accident coverage for groups.

Personal accident protection for all ages.

Personal accident protection for all ages.

We cover and protect you in a diverse age range (17-55 years).

We cover and protect you in a diverse age range (17-55 years).

Make sure to have this protection in hand even when you’re healthy.

Make sure to have this protection in hand even when you’re healthy.

Coverage benefits

Coverage benefits

COVID protection.

Funeral benefits.

Post accident health care benefits.

Members can simply obtain their claim

Members can simply obtain their claim

Complete the form and chronological report.

Complete the form and chronological report.

Attach your policy.

Attach your policy.

Proof of identity.

Proof of identity.

Supporting documents if the insured passed away/is lost/permanently disabled.

Supporting documents if the insured passed away/is lost/permanently disabled.

Original receipt submitted.

Original receipt submitted.