Motor Vehicle Insurance

We personalize coverages to suit your needs at the right price.
This insurance covers a comprehensive protection for your car insurance. With the risks that can occur anytime, we’ll make sure it won’t interfere with your daily activities.Backed up by various benefits, ranging from small risks, to car theft, you don’t need to worry because Sunday got you covered!

Motor Vehicle Insurance

We personalize coverages to suit your needs at the right price.
This insurance covers a comprehensive protection for your car insurance. With the risks that can occur anytime, we’ll make sure it won’t interfere with your daily activities.
Backed up by various benefits, ranging from small risks, to car theft, you don’t need to worry because Sunday got you covered!
Car Header Banner

Coverage benefits.

Coverage benefits.

Wide varieties of passenger protection.

Wide varieties of passenger protection.

Longer period of vehicle protection.*

Longer period of vehicle protection.*

Easy and integrated claims.

Easy and integrated claims.

Wide coverage of vehicle accessories protection.

Wide coverage of vehicle accessories protection.

Tow truck service.

Tow truck service.

Damaged vehicle pick-up service.

Damaged vehicle pick-up service.

Home service for small risk damages (applying car window tint & rear view mirrors).

Home service for small risk damages (applying car window tint & rear view mirrors).

Your policy is issued in just 5 minutes.

Your policy is issued in just 5 minutes.

*For comprehensive, it can be renewed up until 15 years of car age. *For TLO, it can be renewed up until 20 years of car age.

Get your documents ready to submit your claim.

Get your documents ready to submit your claim.

Insured documents.

Insured documents.

KTP for individuals/NPWP for businesses*

Insured documents.

KTP for individuals/NPWP for businesses*
Vehicle documents.

Vehicle documents.


Vehicle documents.

Recent photos of the vehicle
from 5 angles.

Recent photos of the vehicle from 5 angles.

(right, left, front, rear, dashboard) and sunroof if available.

Recent photos of the vehicle from 5 angles.

(right, left, front, rear, dashboard) and sunroof if available.
*KTP: Kartu Tanda Penduduk ,NPWP: Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak ,STNK: Surat Tanda Nomor Kendaraan ,BASTK: Berita Acara Serah Terima Kendaraan ,DO: Delivery Order

Easy steps to claim your vehicle.

Easy steps to claim your vehicle.

Proof of policy ownership.

Proof of policy ownership.

Proof of policy ownership.

Proof of vehicle documents.

Proof of vehicle documents.

Proof of vehicle documents.

Proof of driver’s license.

Proof of driver’s license.

Proof of driver’s license.

Photos of the damaged vehicle.

Photos of the damaged vehicle.

Photos of the damaged vehicle.

Evidence of police report (if needed).

Evidence of police report (if needed).

Evidence of police report (if needed).

We provide a number of garages closest to you* *The areas that we cover includes Jakarta, Tangerang, Karawaci, Cikupa, Bekasi, Karawang, Cikarang, Bogor, Depok, Cilegon.